4 Simple Tips For Running Success
Time to read 2 min
Time to read 2 min
"Just like a good rock band requires only four key elements—lead and bass guitars, percussion, and vocals… a successful running routine should be simple too."
Keith Richards from the Rolling Stones once said “Don't overcomplicate your music”
Just like a good rock band requires only four key elements—lead and bass guitars, percussion, and vocals… a successful running routine should be simple too.
If you want to train to win or just run a bit faster, here are my four essentials of running that will elevate your training to the next level.
A robust aerobic foundation serves as the cornerstone of any endurance training regimen. I believe around 80% of your training should be easy aerobic running.
The basic rule of thumb here is; If it feels easy then it’s probably the right pace to run at.
This approach encourages capillary development, allowing your muscles to receive oxygen more rapidly and efficiently. Aerobic training also increases the density of mitochondria in your muscles. This equips you to produce energy more effectively, to meet the demands of your runs.
Another benefit is that aerobic exercise contributes to improved heart and lung health.
The significance of strength training for running efficiency cannot be overstated. Strengthening your muscles helps prevent energy wastage with each stride, leading to more effective and efficient running.
Incorporating strength training into your routine can correct muscle imbalances, reducing the risk of injuries and will lead to enhanced running performance.
Many of us lead a sedentary life, and running alone does not develop your muscular system enough so that you can enjoy a long healthy and injury-free runners life. I suggest doing one or two strength sessions a week in the gym.
The concept of specificity underlies the importance of race pace training. To become proficient at running during races, you must practice running at race pace.
Relying solely on long, easy runs won't prepare your body for the challenges of race day, so you will most likely underperform.
Less than 20% of your running should be hard or at race pace.
If you run 5 times a week, only one of them should be at race pace. Remember a little hard running goes a long way.
Sprint training calls for maximal or nearly maximal efforts over short distances or durations. Completing 6 to 10 reps of 10-second sprints can be sufficient in a single session to get the results we want.
Beyond enhancing neuromuscular coordination, sprint training increases the number of muscle fibres at your disposal for running. Additionally, it enhances your muscles' capability to generate force rapidly. This kind of training serves a dual purpose by fostering proper running form while boosting muscle power.
I like to put one sprint session a week in my athletes' training plans.
To learn more, keep a lookout for my forthcoming blog posts. I'm committed to presenting sound scientific principles in a clear and comprehensive manner, ensuring that everyone can benefit from my knowledge, gained over 50 years of running and 35 years of coaching.